Upgrade to Angular 5
Build optimizer comes now as a default for making the bundles smaller than previous Angular 4. It also removes Angular decorators at runtime.
We can easily share Application state between server and client side because of Angular Universal.
Third party JS and Component libraries support improves due to “Domino to platform-server“.
Angular 5 has improved compiler to support Incremental compilation. Hence it provides faster builds and builds with AOT via Typescript Transforms.
i18n polyfills are not needed anymore with the introduction of new standardized Number, Date, Currency Pipes.
Static Injector replaces the reflective injector thereby reducing the application size.
Zones are faster. Now we can bypass zones for application performance enhancement using noop.
HttpClient is better now. So we can replace the HttpModule with HttpClientModule for powerful web requests.
Angular forms add updateOnBlur / Submit for efficient validation.
The New RxJS Lettable operators for Observables now replaces the patch method of importing operators.
- How to Upgrade to Angular five Hire Angular Developers